Hi. My name is Courtney.
When I was 17, I watched the bucket list on television just because it was on. I starting getting into it a little and was suddenly struck with an urge to create my own list of places I want to go and things I want to do before I die. I wanted my own bucket list. It seemed like the most fun project I could think of. So I booted up my computer, opened one note, and started to think. I quickly realized that I didn't know a lot about what I wanted in life or what was even possible.
It just so happens there is a service that can fix these problems quickly and its called the internet. I hopped on the "net" and started with a simple search, bucket list. Boom. The first article I clicked on had something like 25 places to see you before die. It just so happened that all of the places were great and the Appalachian Trail was one of the 25 places.
Before I read this article I had never heard of the Appalachian Trail. I was completely blown away that there was a place where you could go and live for months in the wilderness. All of the sudden the world opened up and something I had dreamed about ever since reading "My side of the mountain" became possible. I could live in the wild, away from society and close to nature.
Well, it is four years later. I am currently 21 years old and I am keeping the promise I made to myself years ago. I am going to hike the amazing Appalachian Trail!!
Comments, questions, concerns?! Send them to courtncj@gmail.com
It just so happens there is a service that can fix these problems quickly and its called the internet. I hopped on the "net" and started with a simple search, bucket list. Boom. The first article I clicked on had something like 25 places to see you before die. It just so happened that all of the places were great and the Appalachian Trail was one of the 25 places.
Before I read this article I had never heard of the Appalachian Trail. I was completely blown away that there was a place where you could go and live for months in the wilderness. All of the sudden the world opened up and something I had dreamed about ever since reading "My side of the mountain" became possible. I could live in the wild, away from society and close to nature.
Well, it is four years later. I am currently 21 years old and I am keeping the promise I made to myself years ago. I am going to hike the amazing Appalachian Trail!!
Comments, questions, concerns?! Send them to courtncj@gmail.com